Type | tekstdrager |
Value | PHILADELPHIA, UP : Van Pelt Latin 249 |
Id | TDRA000000014554 |
Rev | 1 |
Created |
Time Stamp | 1424335062298 |
User Id | importer |
Vre Id | ebnm |
Modified |
Time Stamp | 1424335062298 |
User Id | importer |
Vre Id | ebnm |
Pid | http://hdl.handle.net/11240/08fac1ec-9f33-4026-a05e-42485647c038 |
Deleted | no |
Relation Count | 13 |
Properties | |
Relations |
Textdrager has sign code |
Textdrager has categorie |
Textdrager has owner |
Type | lexicon |
Id | LEXI000000003374 |
Path | domain/lexicons/LEXI000000003374 |
Display Name | Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania |
Relation Id | RELA000000200675 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Textdrager has doc |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000005504 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000005504 |
Display Name | The medieval manuscript library of the Charterhouse of St. Barbara in Cologne / Richard Bruce Marks |
Relation Id | RELA000000200668 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Variation Refs | tekstdragers ebnmtekstdragers