Textdrager has sign code |
Textdrager has owner |
Type | lexicon |
Id | LEXI000000018221 |
Path | domain/lexicons/LEXI000000018221 |
Display Name | Constable, Giles (Cambridge, Massachussets, USA) |
Relation Id | RELA000000177387 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Type | lexicon |
Id | LEXI000000003485 |
Path | domain/lexicons/LEXI000000003485 |
Display Name | Heverlee bij Leuven, Norbertijnen S. Maria & S. Johannes /Park |
Relation Id | RELA000000177382 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Is textdrager mentioned in doc |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000005471 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000005471 |
Display Name | Manuscripts (mostly from the collection of the late J.P.R. Lyell), early printed books (15th & 16th centuries) offered for sale at net prices affixed by Bernard Quaritch Ltd. |
Relation Id | RELA000000177381 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Textdrager has doc |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000003220 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000003220 |
Display Name | Les manuscrits medievaux de l'abbaye du Parc : recueil d'articles / E. van Balberghe |
Relation Id | RELA000000177379 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000005471 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000005471 |
Display Name | Manuscripts (mostly from the collection of the late J.P.R. Lyell), early printed books (15th & 16th centuries) offered for sale at net prices affixed by Bernard Quaritch Ltd. |
Relation Id | RELA000000177380 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000000154 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000000154 |
Display Name | Supplement to the census of medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada / originated by C.U. Faye ; continued and ed. by W.H. Bond |
Relation Id | RELA000000177378 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Contains text |
Type | tekst |
Id | TEXT000000030077 |
Path | domain/teksten/TEXT000000030077 |
Display Name | Albertus Magnus: Compendium theologicae veritatis; Petrus Venerabilis: Contra Petrobrusianos; Lat. |
Relation Id | RELA000000343839 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |