Textdrager has sign code |
Textdrager has categorie |
Textdrager has owner |
Type | lexicon |
Id | LEXI000000002914 |
Path | domain/lexicons/LEXI000000002914 |
Display Name | Kaapstad, National Library of South Africa |
Relation Id | RELA000000133045 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Textdrager has doc |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000004182 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000004182 |
Display Name | Medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the Grey collection : a preliminary catalogue / [B.V. Churms] |
Relation Id | RELA000000133043 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Contains text |