Textdrager has sign code |
Textdrager has owner |
Type | lexicon |
Id | LEXI000000002646 |
Path | domain/lexicons/LEXI000000002646 |
Display Name | Frenswegen bij Nordhorn, Regulieren S. Maria /Marienwolde |
Relation Id | RELA000000097485 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Is textdrager mentioned in doc |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000000245 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000000245 |
Display Name | A note on an unknown manuscript bearing upon Marsilius of Inghen's Philosophy of Nature : MS Cuyk en St. Agatha (The Netherlands), Kruisherenklooster C 12 / E.P. Bos |
Relation Id | RELA000000097484 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Textdrager has doc |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000000245 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000000245 |
Display Name | A note on an unknown manuscript bearing upon Marsilius of Inghen's Philosophy of Nature : MS Cuyk en St. Agatha (The Netherlands), Kruisherenklooster C 12 / E.P. Bos |
Relation Id | RELA000000097482 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000004580 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000004580 |
Display Name | Die Handschriften der Klosterbibliothek Frenswegen / beschrieben von Irene Stahl |
Relation Id | RELA000000097483 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000000183 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000000183 |
Display Name | Untersuchungen über die Handschriften des Augustiner-Chorherren-Stiftes Frenswegen bei Nordhorn / Bernhard Nonte |
Relation Id | RELA000000097481 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000000209 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000000209 |
Display Name | Verzeichniss einer Sammlung sehr seltener und werthvoller Handschriften und Buecher, welche dem Meistbietenden abgelassen werden sollen / Karl Ludwig Tross |
Relation Id | RELA000000097480 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Contains text |
Type | tekst |
Id | TEXT000000003697 |
Path | domain/teksten/TEXT000000003697 |
Display Name | Aristoteles: Physica, Liber 1-8; Lat. |
Relation Id | RELA000000239745 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Type | tekst |
Id | TEXT000000042371 |
Path | domain/teksten/TEXT000000042371 |
Display Name | Marsilius van Inghen: Quaestiones Physicorum Aristotelis. Etc.; Lat. |
Relation Id | RELA000000387903 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Type | tekst |
Id | TEXT000000003698 |
Path | domain/teksten/TEXT000000003698 |
Display Name | Marsilius van Inghen: Quaestiones super Libris Physicorum Aristotelis; Lat. |
Relation Id | RELA000000239746 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Type | tekst |
Id | TEXT000000042372 |
Path | domain/teksten/TEXT000000042372 |
Display Name | Marsilius van Inghen: Questiones super libris de caelo et mundo; Lat. |
Relation Id | RELA000000387907 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |