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Textdrager has owner |
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Display Name | 's-Gravenhage, Koninklijke Bibliotheek |
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Rev | 1 |
Is textdrager mentioned in doc |
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Display Name | Collection of rariora, consisting of printed books and manuscripts, portraits and historical plates, from the library of the late Dr. J.I. Doedes,professor of theology in the University of Utrecht, which will be sold by auction by J.L. Beijers ... Utrecht, ... May 4th and 5th, 1898 ; [foreword G.P.H. Zahn] |
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Display Name | Manuscrits provenant des collections des chevaliers Van Rappard, de M. le pasteur H.A.J. Lütge d'Amsterdam, e.a. Albums amicorum des XVIe-XVIIIe siècles, manuscrits avec miniatures, livre de prieres de Gaspard de Coligny, documents historiques et genealogiques autographes |
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Textdrager has regiocode |
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Display Name | Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae / [samenstellers: H. Brugmans ... et al.] |
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Display Name | Collection of rariora, consisting of printed books and manuscripts, portraits and historical plates, from the library of the late Dr. J.I. Doedes,professor of theology in the University of Utrecht, which will be sold by auction by J.L. Beijers ... Utrecht, ... May 4th and 5th, 1898 ; [foreword G.P.H. Zahn] |
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Display Name | Verslag omtrent de Koninklijke Bibliotheek |
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Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Contains text |
Type | tekst |
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Display Name | Excerpten uit Henricus Suso: Leven |
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Display Name | Handleiding voor het vieren van verschillende kerkelijke feesten gedurende het gehele jaar |
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Display Name | Zeven groeten tot S. Anna, voorafgegaan door exempel |
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Rev | 1 |