Is doc in text |
Type | tekst |
Id | TEXT000000003668 |
Path | domain/teksten/TEXT000000003668 |
Display Name | Getijdenboek, met kalender voor het bisdom Utrecht; Mnl. |
Relation Id | RELA000000239603 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Documentation is part of |
Type | document |
Id | DOCU000000000632 |
Path | domain/documents/DOCU000000000632 |
Display Name | Nederlandsch kunsthistorisch jaarboek |
Relation Id | RELA000000410677 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |
Documentation about tekstdrager |
Documentation has author |
Is doc of textdrager |
Type | tekstdrager |
Id | TDRA000000005877 |
Path | domain/tekstdragers/TDRA000000005877 |
Display Name | PARTICULIERE COLLECTIE (Duitsland) : Cat. Defoer (e.a.) 1989, nr. 18 |
Relation Id | RELA000000103565 |
Accepted | yes |
Rev | 1 |